

Hotel Cartagena #4 Chastity Riley Series


Hotel Cartagena #4 Chastity Riley Series

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SKU: 9781913193546 Category:

ISBN: 9781913193546
Title: Hotel Cartagena #4 Chastity Riley Series

Twenty floors above the shimmering lights of the Hamburg docks, Public Prosecutor Chastity Riley is celebrating a birthday with friends in a hotel bar when twelve heavily armed men pull out guns, and take everyone hostage. Among the hostages is Konrad Hoogsmart, the hotel owner, who is being targeted by a man whose life - and family - have been destroyed by Hoogsmart's actions. With the police looking on from outside - their colleagues' lives at stake - and Chastity on the inside, increasingly ill from an unexpected case of sepsis, the stage is set for a dramatic confrontation and a devastating outcome for the team...all live streamed in a terrifying bid for revenge.

Format: Paperback
Price: $30.00

Additional information

Dimensions 197 × 127 mm