

Hand in Hand: Blending Secular & Sacred to Enlarge the Human Spirit


Hand in Hand: Blending Secular & Sacred to Enlarge the Human Spirit

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ISBN: 9781988595368
Title: Hand in Hand: Blending Secular & Sacred to Enlarge the Human Spirit

About the book

Scrape away the barnacles, re-examine the origins of Christian faith, take full account of modern knowledge and experience, open your mind to new possibilities, rethink what faith can mean in this new millennium – that’s the plea Ian Harris makes in this challenge to reset faith within today’s secular frame.

New World, New God showed how this reset can bring to light new interpretations for God, Jesus, the Bible and the great Christian festivals. Hand in Hand goes back a step to show why such a reset is necessary. Harris sees the secular not as hostile to faith, but as the neutral setting for religion in the modern world. He debunks the view that science is its polar opposite, and urges the churches to embrace the new reality as a positive for Christian understanding and for life.

About the author

Ian Harris’s prime interest is the impact of a secularising culture on Western Christianity, and the opportunities that lie beyond holding on grimly to ancient understandings of the faith.

Born in Christchurch, he grew up in a Methodist parsonage, and gained an honours degree in English at Auckland University. Since then he has headed the English Department at Satya Wacana Christian University in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia, edited the New Zealand Methodist, been assistant editor of the Auckland Star, served as Director of Communication for the Presbyterian Church in New Zealand, and was for twelve years editorial writer on the Dominion.

In 1990 Ian was instrumental in founding the Ephesus Group in Wellington, whose purpose is to explore new ways of understanding and expressing Christian faith in this new millennium. In 1993 he became the first chairperson of the New Zealand Sea of Faith Network’s steering committee. In parallel with this, in 2001 he began his Honest to God column in the Dominion, extending it to the Otago Daily Times in 2003. The column ran in the Dominion and its successor, the Dominion Post, till 2009, and continued as part of the Otago Daily Times’ Faith and Reason feature till 2019. He also contributes a column to the Methodist newspaper Touchstone. Ian Harris’s other books are Creating God, Re-creating Christ, two selections of The Ephesus Liturgies (written with his late wife, Jill), and New World New God. He lives in Wellington.

Format: Paperback
Price: $30.00